EU Funds Weekly Intel (May 11 – May 18)

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The projects application sessions for the first Priority Axis of the 2014 – 2020 Competitiveness Operational Programme (COP) has begun

The COP Management Authority has officially launched the project application session as part of the Sections A – G of the Applicant’s Guide. These projects target the research and development (R&D) directed towards the increase of economic competitiveness and business development. Beneficiaries can apply from the 27th of May 2015.

 Two new Applicant’s Guides were launched for the 2014 – 2020 Operational Program “Administrative Capacity”

Through the 2014 – 2020 Operational Program “Administrative Capacity” Management Authority, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, has launched for public consultation two more proposals regarding the Applicant’s Guide relating to the Specific Objective 2.2 “The increase of transparency, ethics, and integrity of public institutions and authorities”.

Romania has received the letter of comfort from the European Commission enabling the authorities to launch the 2014 – 2020 National Rural Development Programme (NRDP)

This document represents the last step towards the full approval of the 2014 -2020 NRDP and shows that the European Commission has finalised the necessary consultations and the programme is expecting the commission’s approval.

144M European funds reimbursements have been halted

The fraud allegations, as well as the inability of the Management Authorities to verify the legality of a number of public acquisitions, have prompted the European Commission to halt the reimbursements of funds to beneficiaries under the OP Competitiveness (IT&C and SMEs) and Environment.

Regio 2007 – 2013 has had a positive impact on the beneficiaries.

A first evaluation of the 2007 – 2013 Regional Operational Programme (Regio) shows that this programme had a highly impact on the increase of the quality of life in those cities that benefitted from this programme. Moreover, the social services and the educational infrastructures were improved and companies were incentivised to create more workplaces.

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EU Funds Weekly Intel (June 15 – June 22)

This is a preview of the proprietary analysis we offer our clients. To enquire about our EU Funds advisory services […]

EU Funds Weekly Intel (June 08 – June 15)

This is a preview of the proprietary analysis we offer our clients. To enquire about our EU Funds advisory services […]

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